Friday, January 30, 2015

How to recover a failed database configuration in Maximo

Run the following SQL
select * from MAXVARS where varname=’CONFIGURING’;
Check the VARVALUE returned. It will be a ’1′ to signify that configdb is running . If it is not, then do not continue and call into support to report the error.
update MAXVARS set varvalue=’0′ where varname=’CONFIGURING’;
This will reset the flag that signifies configdb to be running.
run —> db2cmd
connect to maxdb71 using db2admin using <db2admin’s password>
set schema = maximo
SELECT count(*) from maxobjectcfg where changed != 'N'
‘N’ indicates that a change has been committed. For this query, if entries are returned with a value of 0 instead of N, you must commit those changes.
select count(*) from sysibm.systables where name like 'XX%' and creator = 'MAXIMO'
This was to determine whether any temporary tables exist in your database.
If the returned value is not 0, follow these steps to drop the temporary tables:
open cmd.
cd C:\ibm\SMP\maximo\tools\maximo
run the following in order below:

Then try to see if websphere admin console is running or not
if can not login, then check have you started directory server?
Once logged in try to start mxserver
ideally it should start
if it complains of node agent being not started, then go to services.msc (run –> services.msc) and restart nodeagent service of websphere
retry the starting of mxserver. This time it should start and you should get the login screen at http://localhost/maximo

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